Samirah State is a small state in Palestine that would later become a great nation. Even the city government's legacy of Solomon, the Children of Israel. This is based on the birth of Moses, about a century earlier. One male and one female offspring Yahudza, after 31 years of marriage, was born a child of the most dangerous to both parents, as illustrated by the Prophet Muhammad his eyes sleep but his heart remains intact. "Antichrist family, father, mother and brothers were pagans. In the past, they worship an idol shaped like a cow. Actually it is not just statues idolatrous cow, it was demon-like evil itself, such as cow statues. it. They slaughter the animal to be sacrificed to idols.Actually presented to the devil, with liquor being passed every day. Besides, they also like to slavery or the performance and compliance. Every morning they see the remains and what they sacrificed in the place. They thought, it is a sign that God blessed them what they are doing. Demand for both parents is that they are the Antichrist's son. He finally s.w.t. pregnancy was made on a woman who is born of incest to adultery between a husband who was also born of incest and adultery results. While the devil was also participate in the male urinary tract pagan wife whenever he mix. So Shaitan also interfere with the pagan wife with her husband. Met the sperm and ovum of the human element by element of lust full of envy of the jinn, as destined by God. (In the book Al-Maslkh lhdzaru DajjaI ad states the Antichrist was born from the relationship when his mother was menstruating, then the pregnancy occurred as the influence of Satan's handiwork) is very scary at night, accompanied by gusts of wind, snow storms and heavy rain, the couple heard the statue of a wild cow told her he was meredhai both. In fact, he said he ordered the angels to grant them a child. But if neither increase devotion and idolatry, and no bloody sacrifice, he will replace the boy with the girls. Moreover, both fell down and kneel before the statue was fully devoted to saying that they wanted so its Ielaki. Statue of the devil told them to slaughter a cow and a big fat. Then the slaughter was ordered placed in front of the statue, and after that they are forbidden to go to that place all night. What is happening is the devil himself was toying them to do everything according to the needs and desires of Satan. Satan can see what can not be seen by ordinary people. Because the jinn can see what is in the human body, like to see people seeing the film X-Ray, so he can see the contents of the woman from the start. However the devil do not know what will happen, Syaitlan not know if the child is female or lelakit but he knew the desires of the couple with the birth of a son. The woman also gave birth to a son tetlapi newborn child is handicapped both eyes since birth. The baby was like night and day, and very rarely got to suck mother's milk is a big body. lmam meriwayalkan in Musnad Ahmad, the Prophet of the family as the Antichrist."His father was tall, fat, and his nose like a bird beak. Se dangkan fardhakhiyyah mother, a lot of meat and fat body. Both hands were long and the second teleknya large.Because children are not breastfed by his mother's milk, it can even lead to poisoning that ended with the death. So its early Ielaki it was indeed bring bad luck to her mother.Most surprisingly, the boy many lahun sit quietly and just move a few times, so his parents thought he was lame or they are angry with God. Then they present a variety of dishes as a sign of obedience, but the boy remains as it is, without any changes. During the four previous years he had never walked. Though his parents had given goats milk as well as trying to move about his position. Her son was only two only drank a sip, and then continue to sleep. Seeing her son in a situation like that, people never feel calm.His heart was always wondering what his son was still alive. They often melelakkan hand or stick your ear on his chest was. Found her still alive. As when He s.a.w.. "Both his eyes sleep, but the heart remains intact." On the night her son was suddenly moved up, while his parents were sleeping. He tried to crawl and then stand up to walk with both legs. Then he walked slowly without the knowledge of his parents, as if there were other spirits that infiltrate into the soul and help her and told to stand and walk. Of course the other spirits that are the evil ones (Jinni Mutasyaithan). Both eyes of Ielaki was defective and he was possessed by demons that reside in the statue of a cow. Satan is directing the child towards the cow statue. Then she left sleeping on the side of the statue. When his father got him continue to get his lap of the gods sleeping cow sculptures that. His father tried to find the meaning that there is telapi peristlwa failed to interpret. Then his father had been calling the neighbors but the neighbors do not trust the peristwia it, they accused her own father who took her and placed the lap of the gods. The neighbors knew her son was paralyzed and could only sit alone. However, news of it was still spreading. For some people who believe in coming in throngs to her house to look closely to the strange occurrences to the boys. At the same time there trying to find the blessing of the boy. However, the judges are there in the area are not happy to accept the truth of the incident just like that. LaIu they bring the father to the great judge in the city and then forced his father to tell what actually happened. Dad tells the truth telapi judges do not want to accept reality, and his father was ordered to go to jail and tortured.While in prison he was forced to make a statement that no one should be followed unless the judge states that the great master. Once satisfied to be punished so he had to confess and make the announcement before a judge and resident of the state that there is no God other than the judge and that no one can give aid or other corrupt judges. With the recognition that he did so he was released from prison, but his son had kept in the palace with great care and not allowed out of court judges. News about the magic of the boy getting excited and so widespread that the events referred to as a means A'jubah as Samirah (Miracle Samirah) The judge was very angry with the incident, he did not want to accept reality. According to another judge, the son of the magic that has actually been possessed by the devil. The news was widely disseminated around the world. Judges are not silent, he went looking for a healer to remove the devil from the body of the boy. Almost all the places around the country and the continent looking for healers, shamans and magicians to produce rasukan demon from the boy. Because according to the judge that the devil will shake the throne or the Throne of God. When the news spread, the public mood turned into chaos and panic.Suddenly there was a posing as a philosopher of Samirah was making the announcement. The child is truly the descendants of Samaritan. Two letters ra and ha '(the last two letters of the word Samirah) Before it means a state of the country Syria as the son of Sam, Noah., Is the founder of the movement Samirah after the great flood.When Sam was young, he did not move much until the angel came and taught him how to move his legs. The child was the grandson of Syria. "Telapi no one who wants to believe the words of the philosopher. Instead he was charged with the insane. The judge has instructed that the fact that philosophers are not diperbualkan again by anybody.Anyone who wanted to talk about it will be punished. Hakim was making its announcement was given the title as-Touch because the native state and not for other reasons. Boys father (the Antichrist) was also later died because of the intense suffering, his death is called ash-Adz-dzabhah shadriyyal al ¬ mutakarrarah significant (prolonged mental stress). His father died because his character is very strange. Child prodigy was already left in the care and maintenance diistananya judges. A year later, iaiitu kelika five years old, the child started to be able to wake up and sleep, after waking he tried talking to people around the palace, but the conversation tengagap-stutter and falter. The courtiers were trying to treat blindness in the eyes of doctors, but the court concluded that the disease or defect that can not be cured by conventional medicine because it seems to defects created by the Almighty. A month later, when the population of the state was fast asleep, suddenly came a warning from God. Warning from God that comes as the state's population to commit adultery and homosexuality, as people and Amurah Sadum. Punishment that God revealed it suddenly without warning at all. Allah has commanded the angel Gabriel to introduce the people of the earth, just as did the population and Amurah Sadum. The survivors lived only a child (the Antichrist) who live in the palace. Gabriel was commissioned to bring the child to an island in a vast ocean called the North Yemen. The sea plays an important role in the future. (From North Yemen later this stretch of road to be traveled by a pious have an important role in the fight against the Antichrist. The boy was left alone on the island. He has always maintained, monitored and given food and drink by the angel before. The child regainedcommon, namely a lot of sleep and a few moves. While Gabriel returned to destroy the country full of disobedience, and menebalikkan states that part of the land was under. And God finished on the tribulations of those who disbelieve. Then Gabriel returned to bring food to child of fortune for the sake of Allah and carry out the commands of Allah without any problems. He loved children and said to Gabriel, "O Gabriel, the boy is my servant. But at the end of the age he claimed to be worshiped as a god on earth. I will send the who will punish with a painful torment and will kill him at a certain time will not be rejected by the servants. That person is a prophet who was sent at a time, and she becomes the guardian, not by the revelation at the end of time. (History is available from a devout in the state of Yemen. He was known by the name Haidar Anif Billah bin Abdullah bin Salem bin Syarif. He has a lot of horrible manuscripts that have been reported by hundreds of years. In fact, there is the script that has its origins from the 700 years before Christ. 0rang learned is still alive and 110 years old. He himself does not want to live in modern cities. The whole life is spent in the concentration camp-tent-bersame sahara desert with four wives. Wife-wife is much more younger than him, which is about twenty to thirty years. He still looks strong. When asked him about the secret kegagahannya, she replied that she never meninggaikkan evening prayer, prayer never meninggaikan specified time and rarely eat meat and salt. the most widely eaten foods iaiah honey, dates, milk and water .) island was occupied by child peninsula known ats tsu 'ban ar-monk we ad-dabbah al-halba which means the island of snakes are terrible and thick furry animals. Because the story about the island, and almost everyone who stops on the island would be stung to death by a snake the length of hundreds of meters. While the thick furry animal with a tongue that can speak to the various languages on this earth and it dominates the island. The serpent is the guardian and the blind eyes . Animals that are ordered. The island is really small like a stone that forms the plot of land full of fresh spring water and surrounded by shady trees intertwine each other. The island is also filled with useful resources seperli various flowers, plants, apple trees, such as odd-shaped yellow head and a beautiful genie who appears not neatly arranged like the ugly head of Satan. lklim island was always cold and always raining. The island is located in the Indian Ocean near the of Yemen. island inhabited by a child prodigy, and it seemed far apart from the islands of the polynomial. Even from a distance the island appears like a star regardless of other constellations, or like a month apart from the full circulation of the planet -another planet. It is a strange and odd kenana it has been determined by the Almighty. Although the child was visited and supervised by Gabriel day and night, but the boy did not know. Because as a human being he could not see the angel Gabriel, except the pleasure of Allah swt In addition the child was caught sleeping as the cave dwellers. On a day when the child reached the age of eight years, both his eyes began to open along with his awareness. After that, he was not much sleep. He just sleep a while. At first, every time he woke up to find fresh food and drinks that are on his side, until the expiration of the food and drink, he returned back to sleep. PKM is, he has been able to stand, move, and think. Even He can catch fish in the water with instructions to hear the voice whisper in his ear, and clearly he can understand clearly the purpose of the call. "Make it so that we become like this," when the angel Gabriel to the whispers of the child. The child was walking the street sekilar around the island which he lived, he was amazed and feel isolated and be cautious. He walked while hiding with caution. The island is filled with various species of birds and beasts binatang.Tidak one and terror on the island, apart from some tail of the snake that Iautan to get there. One day while wandering the beast he was shocked by a huge, thick fur and has two points that stand out like the eyes of a cow. Suddenly, the beast that he is speaking the language can understand. Animals, said, "You are a child who was saved by God from the massive earthquake disaster struck when the state Samirah. You brought by the angel Gabriel to here. Angel is in charge of food and drink you. So do not betray the promise of you with God. Because the heart of every son of Adam was buried in obedience to Allah and believe in Him as long as they remain in the nature of holiness. therefore you become a Muslim and the Mukim of confidence and obedience to God the Creator of the universe. He is God Almighty. " Then the great beast that was to signal to him to follow him into a rock. The rock comprising the words in Arabic. Animals that teach character by character, and she followed him. Then the beast was a signal to him to follow him to a variety of other stone surfaces. In the stones were written the words: The first stone: La ilaha illallah (There is no other God luhan) Second Mile: "Allahu lahu Wahid La COMPANY (One True God, there is no partner with Him) Third Stone:" You looked after and managed by Gabriel. OIeh that do not betray the promise of God. "fourth stone:" Only you alone on this island. "fifth Stone" Eat den enjoy the food of the things of God is the one that suits and kehendakmu. Sleep as you please. Worship God in various getting along with the rosary-beads on his oneness, which is obliged to pray. God is King, God Almighty. berayah He is not, nor have children. God is the Almighty God. God is the Almighty. And God alone is the Rja . 'The Sixth Stone, "Be children of today, dear little boy. Do not be a child past the island at any time." Seventh Stone: "There is no book for you except what is brought to you by the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad is coming towards the end of time. If you believe you are the people who believe in the future and have confidence in God. But if you disobeys Him then you are the man who promised to get ahead of God to torture. Surely, you are in between the two prophets who submit to Allah and all prophets true surrender to God. If you believe and are confident in what we believe in. and then God will help you to mengimani cover the prophets of old and replacement of old that have died. He was named Muhammad Al Amin . He will be born as a Prophet and Messenger in the middle of tengeh-illiterate people. He moved to a lot of overgrown trees and a lot of springs and wells with good soil. If you deny that preceded the Prophet Muhammad, Allah will cover your heart with a black cloth curtain. Your heart became affected black and white little inclined to evil like a jar full of sludge in the mirror light. As a result, can not see the light of your heart and your mind just to see for yourself just like Iblis. Iaknat May Allah upon him , which inhabits the old Bermuda Triangle, and you became close friends. How bad is accompanied by a damned creature and kept away from the grace of God Almighty will remain until such time as a state, which in a full ocean breeze come when God is notthe love of those who were evicted from his grace. "Be thou, O son of dijagai special and general angels guided the believers who believe in the existence of God and His angels and His Messenger. If not, you are in danger and put into prison for a thousand years . Who warned you and glad tidings, in the prison was an Arab of Mecca who denied that he is honest. Where migration is that many fertile lands covered with trees. You will be served on the day of the season when he arrived at his dates cited diisra 'and Dimi' rajkan prophet of the Arabs. There are abundant water flow and seep into the soil in the highlands and on the ground Thabaniyyah. Haram of Mecca yourself into a glorified Allah, the Lord of hosts. You can not enter any land is fertile but ground of Uhud. Uhud is a mountain that loves God and God loves him. You also can not enter a state Quds Isra 'and Ascension, the Prophet is the last. This is the knowledge of God for you, written by Gabriel, the master of revelation (amin al revealed ) and he left this post for you, as well as the ring of stones beser Gabriel, the messenger of Allah, the Lord of hosts! "The child then saw a large rock at the edge of the seventh largest among the big rocks to the other slate. In it, he found a beautiful piece of stone colors. Land shiny gold colored missionary Gabriel used to write. On the stone pieces tendapat reminder that God says. "We did not punish until We have sent a messenger (Al Isra 17:15) These are a signs and signals that the land is not from the island's land is not even anywhere on earth. It is Allah who knows best. Tinta balance sheet is by the hands of the child. Though not the same size so even with the palms of the hands of three men we used. the first large animal to explain the meaning of the writing and was told that the child was also given the freedom to memiIih its future direction. What the future he wants to be a good person or bad person. If he be a good person, he or she will be a the ordinary man and a lucky king. But if he chose to be evil, then he will become a professed ME AS LORD with government authorities or the power of pagan nature spirits and demons and they are creatures of God. He will be king master human nature, and you include one of mereka.Dia Salu will reign as king, but only in a short time only. What will happen ultimately only God knows why these things are determined by it. And no one knows the end of all things except There are children that God asked the big animal. "Then who are you really? What motives lead to come here? And who taught you to talk and explain that you could talk like humans?" replied the Beast. "I was an animal created and ordered to do so and will always be here with you. Jibril, the angel will take you from the forest at the end of that day. Only you are the only living person from a rich lineage that has been destroyed. I also worked to keep and cherish when Gabriel is not there. I was ordered to stay on the island with you until you determine your life choices. my end here with out you to your choice. "Beast said that he was ordered to speak to tell him. Then after that he will silence the voice and the only issue animals as often. He will not bencakap for the second time unless the child is out of the island at the end of time is near. Perhaps at the time of it, only it is up to God to determine. Maybe I can talk to you the unseen lagi.Sesuatu can not be known by all makhlukh. Know that what is said now is the will-¬ it will from the Spirit malaikata. After the silent tongue of the beast and back again as animals. It is called Jassasah which means continually looking to find information and share it to the child.
Friday, October 29, 2010
dajjal born
Dicatat oleh akkirz pada 5:14 AM
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